Evergreen Leaves

Recollections of My Journeys into Wild India

This Book is about travelling into Nature. But it is not a 'How to' book. It doesn't tell you How to Get There. Where to Stay, and When to Go. Instead, it's about exploring Nature, and the joy of mostly-unplanned travel. It's about what these journeys have done to me. How they have made me. So in that sense, it's private, it's introspective.

Article No. Article Title:
1 The Wild Side Of Wildlife
2 The Birdman Of Kheechan
3 A Cloudburst Of Colours
4 The Amphibian Island
5 A City Lake And A City Forest
6 The Floating Forests
7 Silent Valley Isn’t Silent Anymore
8 Chasing The Flamingos
9 Living On A Spice Farm
10 The Fluttering Rainbows
11 The State Of Paradox
12 Night Out In A Forest
13 Half Dream, Half Reality
14 Paradise Lost
15 Children Of A Greater God
16 Nature, Relocated
17 Taming of the Wild
18 A New, Improved Sanctuary
19 A World Yet To Be Discovered
20 A Forest In The Backyard
21 Birds of Paradise
22 Tamarind Trees For Peacocks
23 The Land Of The Dead Is Teeming With Life
24 The Young, Green Brigade
25 The Forest Less Travelled
26 The Crown of the World
27 Where Birds Of Different Feathers Flock Together
28 In Search Of The King
29 Preserving All That Is Left
30 The Story Of Poachers-Turned-Protectors