‘When an old man dies, a library burns down.’
This African proverb is the thought on which this entire book is based.
It is therefore a collection and a recollection of the various teaching material the
author has used as an art teacher in his entire teaching career.
It is not a How To book. Nor is it a Do It Yourself book. It can at best
serve as random inspirations for enabling creative thinking. By throwing light into
the way the creative mind thinks.
It has lots of stories, anecdotes, concepts, quotes, examples and
exercises that the author has used to enlighten his students.
The structure of the book is free-flowing. Much like the stream of
consciousness. One thing leading to the other. To the other. To the other.
Though the recollections are random, they have been broadly divided into
eight chapters. But that’s only to give a method to the madness.
The chapters broadly cover spontaneous thinking, Lateral thinking, the
story of language, the need to be forever receptive, exercises to unleash your
creativity, among many things.